InsightBB will cease offering services December 15. Please contact us for more information.

affordable hosting
web design services
Technical Support provides a number of ways to help you with your website through Self-Help tools and Assisted Help via 24/7/365 LIVE Technical Support.


Our goal is to resolve all issues during the first contact. Issues that are not resolved within the first contact are escalated to the next tier of support. Escalations are routed to the best team to handle the specific issue. We
will also assign you a ticket number from our Ticketing system so that we can track all issues and problems.

General help topics


Hosting Help

Application Help

Webmail Help

Technical Support FAQ

Domain Name and Billing FAQ

Flash Demos


EasySiteOptimizer Demo

EasySiteWizard Pro Demo

Webmail Demo

Announcer Pro Demo

24 hour technical support


Phone: 1-888-390-1210


Live Chat: Click here

If you have any specific technical question, email us by filling out the form below.

Domain Name:
Full Name:
Contact Email:
Support Issue:


Learn more about our DIY design tool.



Starting from just $49/mo for 12 mos. Learn more.



  • 2GB mail storage
  • Multi-device synchronization
  • Group collaboration tools